How Do You Know If You Have A Concussion? Key Signs and Symptoms

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

how to tell if i have a concussion

How do you know if you have a concussion? A heavy blow to the head can cause severe injuries like cuts, bruises, and swelling, but the most damaging effects often occur at the brain level. Concussions can have lasting effects that impact your daily life, and these can continue for an extended period if not addressed. Many people don’t realize … Read More

Why TBI Symptoms Do Not Always Show Up Early

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

long term symptoms of tbi

Experiencing long-term concussion symptoms can vary in severity and frequency, but one thing is certain: it’s usually a sign of a significant traumatic brain injury (TBI). While the majority of TBIs are diagnosed after the first medical examination, it’s important to understand that all brain injuries are unique. In some cases, traumatic brain injury symptoms don’t manifest right away, and … Read More

5 Signs of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) You May Have

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

signs of tbi in adults

  Have you or a loved one experienced head trauma during an accident? If so, you should be on the lookout for signs of TBI. Traumatic brain injuries can cause symptoms like dizziness, headaches, seizures, and chronic pain. But these are not the TBI symptoms you should look out for. There are plenty of signs and warnings that you need … Read More

When Do Concussion Symptoms Start?

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

how long for concussion symptoms to start

  If you experienced a blow to the head a while ago and started to recently experience weird symptoms, you may be asking yourself “When do concussion symptoms start?” Concussions are severe and can cause long-term effects, but there is still a lot to be learned about these injuries. Experiencing a concussion is different from any other type of bodily … Read More

Can a Concussion Cause Memory Loss?

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

concussion and memory loss

  Can a concussion cause memory loss? A severe blow to the head can result in head injuries like concussions, which bring their own symptoms. Many people experience varying degrees of memory loss after an accident or physical trauma to the head. If this is occurring to you or one of your loved ones, it’s critical to understand the source, … Read More

Point of Care Testing for Traumatic Brain Injuries: Progressive or Problematic?

By Janae Cepeda-Johnson

We often are subjected to the impetus from social media to keep up with the latest trends in an increasingly competitive society. So, when a new device becomes commercially available claiming it’s a quick way to diagnose a TBI, we need to ask—is it too good to be true? Could our health potentially suffer at the expense of skipping an … Read More

Amnesia from Brain Injury: Understanding Post-Traumatic Amnesia

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

what causes short term memory loss

  A whopping 31% of all traffic crashes in the US involve a fatality, and a large percentage of these result in post-traumatic amnesia, or PTA. PTA, sometimes referred to as a post-traumatic confusional state, can have a detrimental effect on your physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. While this can occur for several reasons, it can be caused by traumatic … Read More

How Does Loneliness Affect The Brain?

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

how to cope with loneliness

  Loneliness is a subjective sensation, but it can have devastating effects if you experience it non-stop for a long period of time. Many experts believe that humans developed loneliness as an evolutionary tool. In this theory, loneliness reminded our ancestors that seeking peers and spending time as a group increased our chances of survival.  However, like other types of … Read More

The Ultimate Penalty Kick…Soccer and CTE

By Janae Cepeda-Johnson

traumatic brain injury

FIFA President Gianni Infantino said: “[Football] brings people together like nothing else and the FIFA World Cup will be a celebration of that unity and passion for the game we love so much.” Think about it, what other sport brings together the most unexpected people spanning celebrities to your local grocer, your grandmother and your dentist? Football, or soccer if … Read More

“Once more unto the breach, dear friends”: A Breacher Syndrome Chronicle

By Janae Cepeda-Johnson

risk of brain injuries

Soldiers were archetypically heroic and strong. When they came home unable to speak, walk or remember, with no physical reason for those shortcomings, the only possible explanation was personal weakness. Treatment methods were based on the idea that the soldier who had entered into war as a hero was now behaving as a coward and needed to be snapped out … Read More