There is no doubt about it; being involved in a car accident is a seriously scary prospect. With an increasing number of drivers on the roads and a record number of cars all trying to find their space in our crowded world, it should perhaps come as no surprise that car accidents are on the rise.
If you find yourself caught up in an incident, there is a high chance that your initial reaction will be one of panic –and this is completely understandable. Few of us know what to do after an accident, and that’s where our services come into play. Brain Injury Law of Seattle is a top Bothell
. We’re here to help ensure you understand your rights and are fully compensated if you’re in an accident.
Types of Car Accidents
Distracted Driver Accident Attorney
Drunk Driver Accident Lawyer
Elderly Driver Accident Lawyer
Failure to Yield Accident Lawyer
Head-on Collision Lawyer
Multiple-Vehicle Car Accident Lawyer
No-Contact Accident Lawyer
Poor Vehicle Maintenance Accident Lawyer
Rear-End Collision Lawyer
Red and Yellow Light Accident Lawyer
Road Rage Accident Lawyer
Rollover Accident Lawyer
T-Bone Car Accident Lawyer
Teen Driver Accident Lawyer
How Common Are Car Accidents in Bothell?

According to the
State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), there were over 120,000 car accidents in 2017 with 525 fatalities and over 1,900 serious injuries.
As much as none of want to hear it, the chances of being caught up and involved in an accident within the Bothell region are sadly fairly high, and it is almost an inevitability that you will find yourself involved in a crash with your vehicle, or witness an incident with someone else.
We live in a busy and chaotic world, and people are increasingly reliant on their vehicles to help them get to A to B. This means there is a growing number of cars on our road every day. Many drivers are rushing to get home, or to other locations. Others may be tired or distracted from the stresses of life. Some may just lose concentration at a critical second.
The actions of other people are out of our control, and it only takes a slight mistake from another driver for you to be involved in an accident which is not of your making. While this may be a genuine accident, the consequences can be life-changing, or even fatal in the worse possible case.
Due to the high risk of you being involved in an incident, it is a good idea to make sure that you are protected with a top legal representative. If you need compensation for damages or a claim for personal injury, having the right representation is essential.
We Are Local
Why Do I Need a Bothell Car Accident Attorney?
It may be tempting for you to consider representing yourself in a court case, especially if you think that liability is a clear-cut issue. In truth, however, these tend to be complex and challenging cases with multiple parties making different claims, a wealth of paperwork which Is easy to get buried beneath, and conflicting statements and stories which can make it hard to get to the truth.
Our experienced car accident attorneys at
Brain Injury Law of Seattle have the skills you need to cut through any noise and confusion and ensure that you are able to secure the best outcome for your case. No matter which side of the debate you are on, we will fight to get you justice.
Other Areas of Practice in Bothell
Bothell Personal Injury Lawyer | Bothell Brain Injury Lawyer | Bothell Bicycle Accident Lawyer | Bothell Slip and Fall Lawyer | Bothell Truck Accident Lawyer | Bothell Motorcycle Accident Lawyer | Bothell Pedestrian Accident Lawyer | Bothell Catastrophic Injury Lawyers | Bothell Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer | Bothell Bus Accident Lawyer | Bothell Premises Liability Lawyer | Bothell Product Liability Lawyer | Bothell Wrongful Death Lawyer | Bothell Car Accidents Lawyer | Bothell Maritime Injury Lawyer