When Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

By Brain Injury Law of Seattle

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What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A personal injury lawyer is an attorney who specializes in personal injury law. This large field involves civil suits where the negligent actions of one party caused injuries or death of another.

Personal injury lawyers work with clients to claim compensation for financial and non-financial damages. They also help clients navigate the challenges of dealing with insurance companies or large corporate opponents who want to protect their bottom line and pay out as little as possible.

In many accidents, victims feel alone and overwhelmed. It can be extremely reassuring to have someone in your corner fighting for your rights. Knowing about what a personal injury attorney does and whether you need one is the first step of your journey to recovery.

When Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Knowing when to hire a personal injury lawyer is important to protect your rights after an accident or injury. Of course, not all accidents require the expertise of a personal injury lawyer. Small, simple cases like a fender bender in a parking lot often end quickly and painlessly.

However, some factors should help you decide whether it is worth it to hire a personal injury lawyer for your particular situation.

Disputed Liability

In personal injury law, you have to show that another party’s negligence directly contributed to your injuries. Proving liability can be a challenge, which is why you need a personal injury lawyer if the other party starts disputing their liability.

Victim Blaming

A common insurance tactic is blaming you for causing the injuries through your own negligence. Unfortunately, most clients tend to admit partial fault, leading to lower settlements significantly unless you have an attorney representing you.

Traumatic Injuries and Permanent Disability

Cases that involve traumatic or severe injuries need a personal injury lawyer. They tend to have higher financial damages, which makes insurance companies more likely to fight back.

Bad-Faith Actors

Insurance companies want to protect their bottom line, which means avoiding liability as much as possible. This tendency has led to many bad-faith strategies that can affect the final outcome of the case.

Involvement of a Government Entity

While it’s possible to sue the government during a personal injury claim, doing so is significantly more challenging than suing an individual or company. Governments have special exemptions and shorter claims deadlines, so it’s important to find a personal injury lawyer with the necessary experience to deal with these claims.

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How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?

Having an attorney to represent you in dealing with insurance companies can help avoid potential mistakes that might lower your final claim amount and can help you navigate the challenges that come with a complex personal injury claim.

Most personal injury law firms employ investigators who can assist with providing evidence to support your case. These investigators often examine the accident scene, interview potential witnesses, and consult with experts to assist with the case if necessary.

Other benefits of working with a personal injury lawyer include:

  • Identifying the liable parties and gathering the necessary evidence to prove their negligence and liability
  • Explaining your legal rights and the process for filing a personal injury claim
  • Protecting you from bad-faith tactics that might reduce your final settlement
  • Calculating a fair value for your claim and helping you negotiate to reach your desired settlement.

Remember that while it’s your first time experiencing a personal injury case, this work is what the law firm does on a daily basis. That experience translates into a much smoother experience that allows you to focus on your recovery while your legal team addresses the legal aspects of your accident.

The Importance of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

How do you find a personal injury lawyer that’s suitable for you? Instead of just typing “personal injury lawyer near me” and calling the first number that pops up, it’s worthwhile to do some research and consult with several firms before deciding on your legal team.

Many people expect their personal injury claim to go smoothly without the presence of a personal injury attorney. However, in complex cases or situations that involve a lot of money, you’ll need a personal injury lawyer to prevent mistakes and navigate the complex legal landscape for you.

Learn About Your Legal Rights and Options

If you’ve sustained injuries after an accident and want to know if you have a personal injury case, call our legal team at Brain Injury Law of Seattle at (425) 307-6001 to schedule a free consultation today!